The DTN FleetGuard suite builds on decades of experience in fleet monitoring, weather forecasting and severe weather. The suite includes:
- FleetGuard Enterprise: Portal with access to SPOS and RouteGuard products. Access to a vast amount of DTN shipping data for vessel and fleet performance.
This Academy page will focus on the following services:
- FG Service (= continuous)
- At Sea
- At Sea + In Port
Portal access and data quality checks by operations with relevant reports. FleetGuard takes care of accurate ship-to-shore reporting, data processing, verifying faulty data, calculating performance and raising alerts and warnings, both towards the ship as to the operator. Users can focus on the results of the accurate data. This service is provided on a continuous basis (subscription). This service can be provided during only at sea period, but also during at sea including in-port periods. In the latter case data quality will be monitored during full voyage as well as during in-port reporting as well.
- FG One off (per voyage)
- Portal access and data quality checks by operations for a designated voyage.
- Post voyage analysis report as add on for a voyage that is monitored by DTN
- Contra PVAR
- Post voyage analysis report for one (or more) voyage(s) that have not been monitored by DTN
With the FleetGuard service, the reports provided by the vessel are checked for validity of sequence and quality of data. DTN will verify the data basis AIS and reported positions, supplemented with additional expected positions in areas with lack of AIS information. This provided a reliable foundation to analyze the performance of the vessel against the agreed charter party. Action is taken on incorrect or inconsistent reports by collaborating with the vessel and/or operator when required.