First and foremost, our priority will always be to keep vessel and crew safe when we provide a routing service. The following standard weather limits are used (but can be changed either on customer and voyage specific level). The standard weather limits are not strict limits and the Shipping Operations team may deviate from the values if deemed necessary. Voyage specific limits are tried to be adhered to as well as possible.
- Distance to tropical cyclones 300NM
- Distance to tropical storm 200NM
- Distance to tropical depression 150NM
- Wind 30 kt (BFT 7)
- Waves 4m
The DTN Shipping Operations team is able to set weather limits as a hard or a soft limit based on input of the customer. When we set a weather limit as a hard limit, the routing algorithm will make sure this limit is not exceeded when calculating a route advice. When we set a weather limits as soft limit, the routing algorithm will calculate a route advice which might exceed this limit, but will warn the route analyst when and where this limit will be exceeded during the voyage. That way the route analyst can validate if the exceedance is acceptable or if the route advice needs to be deviating from these specific waypoints.