You should have received an email containing detailed instructions of how to install the SPOS 9 Onboard weather routing application. The instructions are also included below.

1. Download the SPOS Installer

  • Click here to download the installer
  • Start the installer and follow the instructions.
    • Fill out the details from the *.txt file when prompted.
    • DTN recommends using the default installation settings.

2. Start SPOS Application

  • Double click on the desktop icon to start SPOS.
  • When prompted, add details of your ship to create your speed/loss profile
    • These details include:
      • Vessel Type
      • LPP
      • Beam
      • Design Draft

3. Configure settings for choosing Weather update method

  • Under the Settings Menu, find the Weather Update tab
    • Here you will choose a weather update method of receiving forecast data
  • The 2 methods of delivery are:
    • Mail
      • This will allow you to automatically pull forecast updates using the Microsoft MAPI protocol.
      • You will be required to have a MAPI compatible email service such as Outlook.
    • HTTP
      • This will allow you to download updates directly from our server.
      • This is the simplest method of receiving data.
      • You will be required to have an active internet connection to use this method.


Updating the System Settings

  • This will allow you to choose a folder where the data will be placed manually.
  • Adding a Subscription  folder will save the subscription message to this folder before manually sending this to the Subscription server: [email protected]

4. Activating your Weather subscription

  • On the Weather tab, click on Weather Subscription
  • Choose the required forecast area(s) for your current voyage.
    • To add areas to the subscription box, select an area and press Add to Subscription
      • You can add up to 4 areas at one time, which can be changed at any time.
      • DTN recommends using 1-2 ocean areas which cover your whole voyage and 1-2 Coastal maps, adjusting them as your voyage progresses.
    • Select the update frequency you need
      • New SPOS forecasts are created every 6 hours starting at 00 UTC
      • You may select 1, 2, or all 4 daily updates
    • Select Save or Submit, depending on your setting
    • Follow the instructions that appear on your screen
      • If you selected Folder when choosing your weather update method:
        • A spossub.txt fill will created in  your chosen Subscription folder.
        • Email this file to [email protected] to activate your subscription
      • If you selected Mail when choosing your weather update method:
        • SPOS will make a call to your email client using the MAPI protocol
        • This will generate a draft email with your subscription information attached, including DTN’s subscription server address.
          • Press send to send the email which will activate your subscription.
        • If you selected HTTP when choosing your weather update method:
          • After pressing Save and closing your Weather subscription menu, you will now be able to use the update forecast button and download your subscription immediately.
    • Once you have downloaded your forecast data, you can view the weather data on your chart by enabling the various Weather options in the Elements section

5. Keeping your SPOS application up to date

  • Under System Settings, go into Updates
  • Create your update subscription
  • Updated Files will be sent with your forecasts
  • SPOS will also notify you when new patches are available


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