  • Higher resolution weather subscriptions are now able to use 9 day forecasts
  • Route visibility has been enhanced by adding an option to change the route color.
  • Ship location visibility has been enhanced by improving the ship location indicator
  • The portion of a route where weather limits have been exceeded is now indicated visually in the map
  • The version number of SPOS updates was added to the HTTP download request. This allows for better understanding of what versions are being actively used.
  • All SPOS logos, tex and support addresses have been rebranded to DTN in the program and documentation. Note the new support address: [email protected]
  • The End User License Agreement was updated to DTN
  • The Route Network has been updated

  • The redundant Hainan zone has been removed from the Rev. China ECA.
  • An ice concentration data issue related to route calculation has been fixed.
  • The HTTP option in the Updates tab has been aligned with the Weather Update tab (HTTP(s)).
  • The same logic as for the recalculate button has been used for the apply button in the Trim Advisor dialog.



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